Burglar with 101 previous convictions gets sent down


A prolific Bedford burglar was jailed for four and a half years on Monday, Novmeber 30, 2020, after stealing jewellery of great sentimental value.

William Martin, 53, smashed the glass in the front door to get into a house in Foster Hill Road in the town while the couple who lived there were away on holiday.

He stole a Samsung mobile phone, watches and jewellery, including an engagement ring that had belonged to the owner’s great grandmother, Luton Crown Court was told.

Prosecutor John Coates said the owners returned home early and took photographs of their stolen items to jewellers and pawn shops in Bedford.

The burglary took place on 29 September this year and, in the following days, Martin went to try to sell some of the jewellery.

Images from the shops’ CCTV were circulated by the police. He was recognised by officers and arrested.

Martin, of Hurst Grove, Bedford, appeared for sentence via a video link from Peterborough jail.

He had pleaded guilty to burglary and three fraud charges. He had 101 previous convictions, including 22 for residential burglaries.

He was out of prison on licence when he burgled the house. In a victim personal statement, the man said his great grandmother’s engagement ring, that was not recovered, was irreplaceable.

The woman said the break-in had left her feeling vulnerable. Defending, Mohammed Bashir said: “It was an opportunist burglary.

No planning was involved. He has spent his life going in and out of prison.

“He has had a drug addiction for a long time. He sold the items to buy food and drugs.”

Recorder James Wood QC told him: “You are a professional burglar of dwelling houses.“There is nothing to be done with you other than to send you back to prison for a lengthy period.”

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