Transport arrangements for the over 80s to get to the vaccination centres


Coronavirus vaccination programme has begun to roll out in Central Bedfordshire. Following Government guidelines those over 80s will be vaccinated first followed by other groups such as front-line key workers and carers.

To get to the vaccination centres, local transport businesses and volunteers have offered to take those who have no access to a transport or a network to help them to the centres.


Dial-a-ride operators have confirmed they will offer free transport to the local vaccination centres in their areas (but not to Stevenage as this would take their vehicles out of circulation for too long).

To book a Dial-a-ride for a vaccination appointment, please follow the instructions on our website.

Please note, the number of vehicles available are limited, so booking for transport will be based on a first come first served basis and at the discretion of the operators. Dial-a-rides don’t operate at weekends.

Journey Planning

Journey planning website for anyone wishing to travel to a vaccination appointment by public transport. – the journey planner is up to date with changes to routes and timetables.

Where possible, local public bus services that pass vaccination centres will be diverted to either enter the site or stop very close by where this facility does not currently exist.

Volunteering groups

We have a network of volunteer-led groups and local Good Neighbour Schemes with volunteer drivers who can assist vulnerable residents to attend their vaccination appointment if they don’t drive, or have family close-by, or a support bubble that can’t help them or they cannot afford a taxi. Find out more about good neighbour schemes in Bedfordshire.

Mutual Aid groups can also help but please note that the types of support available from each group may be slightly different. Visit the CVS website to find a list of groups in your area.

Good Neighbour Groups and Mutual Aid groups can also assist vulnerable residents with shopping, collecting medication and checking you are ok.


Uber has pledged to offer free taxi rides to or from all Covid vaccine hubs. The firm will cover up to £15 of passengers’ trips to help the most vulnerable receive their covid jabs. Those wishing to use an Uber taxi will need to enter the correct promotion code for the mass-vaccination hub they are travelling to in the app, ahead of booking their journey. Trips must start or end at one of the seven vaccine centres, the nearest mass vaccination centre to Central Bedfordshire is Stevenage. Passengers heading to get their jab will be able to claim their free trip until February 28, 2021. Subject to availability. If you don’t currently have an Uber account, you can sign up to Uber here

More info on how to claim one of the free tips

Local taxi operators are also available. See local directories for contact details and call taxi operator for prices.

Guidance when sharing a car

Car sharing is not permitted with someone from outside your household or your support bubble unless your journey is undertaken for an exempt reason. An exempt reason includes getting to medical appointments and also getting your vaccination.

It is difficult to socially distance during car journeys. Where it is essential to car share, you can reduce the risk of transmission by:

  • sharing the transport with the same people each time
  • minimising the group size at any one time
  • opening windows for ventilation
  • travelling side by side or behind other people, rather than facing them, where seating arrangements allow
  • facing away from each other
  • considering seating arrangements to maximise distance between people in the vehicle
  • cleaning your car between journeys using standard cleaning products – make sure you clean door handles and other areas that people may touch
  • asking the driver and passengers to wear a face covering

Do not waste your journey – please remember to take your booking number with you when attending a vaccination appointment. Those who arrive at the centres without their booking number will be turned away.