Temporary accommodation at Yarl’s Wood for new asylum seekers


Over 70 people of faith, community representatives and concerned citizens from across the UK,  including the Bishop of Bedford, have written an open letter to the Home Office expressing concern about the proposal to temporarily accommodate 200 asylum seekers at any one time, in new prefabricated style buildings at Yarl’s Wood.

They seek assurance that the well-being, both physical and mental, and human dignity of the proposed residents will be at the forefront of the decision-making process.

The community representatives want to know that:

  • other more suitable options have been exhausted, including hotel accommodation or other options closer to an urban centre such as Bedford or Luton?”.
  • full social and environmental risk assessments have been carried out
  • local organisations are given adequate access to offer support in a COVID secure manner?
  • residents have adequate access to local institutions which can support their wellbeing, including places of worship?
  • the process of developing this site has been conducted in a transparent manner with the full support of the local authorities?

The Reverend Luke Larner, from Red Letter Christians UK in Bedford said: “We would like a better alternative that is beneficial for the wellbeing of these people.”

Many of the intended residents at Yarl’s Wood will have experienced significant difficulties and trauma prior to their arrival. They are not criminals and will need the compassion, welcome and support that all human beings, with inherent worth and dignity, deserve.

For a full list of signatures go Open Letter
or contactThe Revd Luke Larner T 0749820218176, E lukelarner@hotmail.co.uk