Online flood forum – come and find out more about the threats of flooding


With the approach of winter, Bedford Borough Council is hosting an online ‘Flood Forum’ on Tuesdy, November 23, at 7pm, during Bedfordshire Flood Preparedness Week.

Throughout this week the local Councils, Bedfordshire Police and Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue alongside others will be sharing advice to help people get prepared for and stay safe during flooding.

The aim of the Flood Forum on November 23, is to review the flooding from December 2020, update on the work that has been undertaken during 2021 and follows recent approval by the Council’s Executive of the Lead Local Flood Authority Investigation Report.  The Forum is also an opportunity for local communities to find out more about flooding and flood risk.

Since last Christmas, the Council has been working with affected local communities to set up additional flood groups which played such as vital role last year, helping these communities to become more resilient for future floods. The Council also works with landowners to ensure they are aware of their responsibility for the riverside.

Cllr Doug McMurdo, Bedford Borough Appointee for the Regional Flood & Coastal Committeesaid “I will be chairing this Flood Forum, and I hope this will be a helpful and educational experience, providing people the opportunity to hear about what has been happening since last Christmas.

“If you would like to take part in this Forum, please email to be registered and the online meeting link via MS Teams will be sent to you.  If you cannot attend the forum on November 23, there will be further opportunities to attend future forums to be scheduled during 2022.”