Science Lab returns to The Higgins Bedford


Science Lab, the popular celebration of British Science Week returns to The Higgins Bedford on Saturday, March 12, 2022, with free activities for families to enjoy.

This year’s event is smaller than in previous years, but there are still plenty of activities for budding scientists to get involved with. All activities are inspired by the theme of British Science Week; ‘Growth’, and Science Lab will be looking specifically at how we can all work to support our local environments and biodiversity.

Families are invited to find out more about wild flowers with Bedfordshire Wildlife Trust and to plant some that can be taken home to watch them grow. Booking is essential as places are limited.

Bedfordshire Natural History Society will be on hand, offering the chance to explore local animals, insects and plants.

In addition, families can join Bedford School to take a closer look at pond life and learn how to build bug houses.

Dr Emma Nicholls.

The team at The Higgins Bedford will also be running exciting activities, challenging families to dig up the past in a marvellous materials artefacts timeline.

At the only online activity, families will have the opportunity to ask questions to Dr Emma Nicholls, who was part of the specialist team that excavated the Rutland Sea Dragon in 2021, and find out more about the largest near-complete marine reptile to have ever been found in Britain. Booking is essential as places are limited.

Councillor Doug McMurdo, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Culture, said: “Science Lab is returning to The Higgins Bedford this year and has lots of great activities for families to take part in. It will be a brilliant opportunity to get children and young people outside and interested in nature and biodiversity.

“Our Science Lab activities have proven really popular in the past, so make sure that you book in advance to avoid missing out on this fantastic opportunity.”

All activities are free to join in and will run from 10:30am until 4pm. Please note that some activities need to be booked in advance as places are limited. It is recommended that bookings are made as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Places can be booked on The Higgins Bedford website at, or by calling the Cultural Services Box Office on 01234 718044 – line open Monday to Friday 11am – 3pm.