Supporting A level students from Bedfordshire schools


A leading Bedfordshire charity is offering grants to high achieving A level students in the county.

The Connolly Foundation is supporting students with higher grades up to £1,000 to support them in their first year at university.

They can subsequently claim a further £500 per year for as long as they continue their undergraduate studies.

Schools are also being encouraged to award up to six discretionary grants to students who are unlikely to achieve the necessary grades but merit an award due to personal circumstances or for their contribution to other aspects of school life.

David Oldham, Chief Executive of the Connolly Foundation said: “We are very pleased to help these students and are looking to expand the scheme to other schools in the county. We are holding meetings with heads of the sixth forms to encourage schools to make maximum use of the scheme.”

David Bailey, Headteacher of Biddenham International School in Bedford said: “We are extremely grateful to the Connolly Foundation for the generous awards that they have given to our students over the past 10 years. It has made a very big difference to them and helped them through each year they are at university.”

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