Stagsden solar farm gets planning approval


Plans for a large solar farm near Bedford have been approved, despite concerns over the loss of agricultural land.

The developers said the 79.64ha development near Stagsden will have a maximum export capacity of 45.5MW, and will supply enough renewable energy to power up to 11,500 homes.

But councillor James Weir (Conservative, Kempston Rural) raised concerns about the loss of agricultural land.

“It will result in a loss of Grade 3A agricultural land that, by virtue of its designation, is considered to be land capable of consistently producing moderate to high yields of a narrow range of 41 arable crops,” he said.

“Like everyone else I’m fearful of not having a continuing supply of energy that in the main is renewable.

“I’m also fearful what the continued loss of good agricultural land will mean to our generation, and the generations to come.

“So whilst I fully support solar farms as a principle and they are a desirable way of capturing energy, I find it hard to accept that an alternative site won’t be a better option,” he said.

Committee chair, councillor Jonathan Abbott (LibDems, Oakley), said: “Unfortunately, we operate under a planning framework at the moment laid down by a government who doesn’t particularly appear to take our energy crisis particularly seriously.

“And I think we as a borough need to do what we can in the short term to help mitigate a looming crisis.

“That’s said, we are looking at agricultural land and as you have pointed out some of it is classed as 3A which is good, viable, land.

“So I think we need to think very carefully when we are making our decision on this,” he said.

The application was approved, with six votes for, one against and one abstention.

Referring to councillor Abbott’s comments, councillor Alison Foster (Conservative, Harrold) said: “The Planning Committee is a non-political committee.

“I would appreciate it if you would cease to make political comments.”

Councillor Abbott replied: “Councillor Foster, I fully accept that, I would like to apologise for overstepping the mark with the comments that I made.”

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