Illegally collecting fares in Dunstable has cost a former taxi driver nearly £3,000


On March 21, 2023, at Luton Magistrates Court, Mr Mohammed Saleem of John Street, Luton, was found guilty of illegally driving a previously licensed hackney carriage vehicle without the required taxi driver’s badge.

He was also found guilty of driving without appropriate insurance.

The court heard how Central Bedfordshire Council’s Taxi Licensing Team received information and photos of a previously licenced hackney carriage parked on the West Street taxi rank in Dunstable.

Bedfordshire Police were informed about the vehicle being used as an unlicensed taxi and successfully pulled it over twice in August 2022. On both occasions, they seized the vehicle as the driver was unable to produce valid insurance.

Saleem was given two opportunities to attend a police interview under caution, but he did not respond to either invitation.

Saleem, who also failed to attend Luton Magistrates Court, was found guilty of all offences in his absence.

He was fined £1,100, ordered to pay costs of £1,405 and a victim surcharge of £440, a total of £2,945.

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