Job Title: Door to door deliveries

Reporting to: David Spence

TEL: 07894 935952  


Job Description

Persons over the age of 13 years are asked to fill in the form opposite should you be interested in delivering magazines, newspapers and leaflets for Beds Bulletin Ltd.

What does the position involve?

A set amount of Magazines, newspapers and occasionally leaflets will be delivered to your doorstep each month around the 28th day of each month, all the items should be delivered BEFORE the 6th of the following month giving you approximately seven days to deliver all the items door to door in your local area.

We will try our best to allocate a round close to your home address but this is not always possible, if we don’t have a round that is close to you we will ask you either to deliver to another area or be placed on our “waiting lists”.

The amount of items that you will be asked to deliver can vary according to the rounds and the area but usually the minimum is 500 and the maximum 2000 according to age and whether you have transport as the newspapers can be on the heavy side and mean returning home to re-load if you don’t have access to some form of transport.

Payment is made according to the amount of magazines/newspapers delivered, the normal rate is £60 per thousand, should you also have leaflets to be delivered alongside the magazines/newspapers these are paid at the rate of £10 per thousand. We have two payment methods, BACS which is payment into a nominated bank account or cash, BACS payments are paid around the 14th day of each month (8 days after the delivery deadline) and cash payments around the 28th day of each month (22 days after the delivery deadline, subject to satisfactory delivery.

Once you have completed the round you should contact your agent, who will be notified to you prior to starting the round, this should be on or before the 5th day of each month, failure to do this could result in non-payment.
If you have any problems completing the round on time, for any reason, you should inform your agent at the earliest convenience, If you have any items left over or have a shortage which prevents you completing the round your agent should be notified immediately.

No items should be discarded, any undelivered items will be collected by your agent and re-used.
Dumped items are classed as fly-tipping which is against the law, any delivery person found to be fly-tipping will be instantly dismissed. All items are marked with individual identification marks identifying the person responsible.

Care should be taken whilst delivering, you should read any articles supplied to you prior to starting your round together with a risk assessment which should be updated if new risks are found by the distributor or agent.

Beds Bulletin Ltd will not be held responsible for loss or damage to bicycles, vehicles, mobile phones or any other items used in connection with the distribution.

If the round is for a child your attention is drawn to “Child employment” details can be found on various websites including the following or Google search “ Child Employment” (This is a downloadable PDF) - working/

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